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Prospect - Gawler

Prospect - Gawler


Prospect - Gawler 

Colour - deep mauve


Scent - medium


Sow - autumn and spring


Height - approx 3m


Variety - annual


Note:  Early Flowering


History - pre 1947


An article from the “Bunyip” 1947 shows just how popular sweet peas were at Gawler.


Sweet Pea Garden at North Galwer – 3 100 feet of flowers


Few people realise that tucked away behind the North Gawler Station is probably the biggest sweet pea garden in the State. Planted two years ago by Mr E J Hibbard the 27 fragrant rows are an addition to the sweet pea garden at his home. All told Mr Hibbard has 3 100 feet under crop, and fifteen different colours can be seen. There’s Early Mariner (blue), Dew's Triumph (pink), Glenice Percy (cerise), Columbia Improved (pink and cream), Fragrant (lavender), Apollo (pink), Prospect (lavender), Chimes (pale pink), Claude Hill (white), Claire Harkness (shell pink), Redwood (deep red), Price's Seedling (dark pink), and others.


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