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Lady Grisel Hamilton - Heirloom Grandiflora

Lady Grisel Hamilton - Heirloom Grandiflora


Lady Grisel Hamilton - Heirloom Grandiflora


Colour - lavender

Scent - strong

Sow - autumn and spring – seeds are small and not “healthy” in appearance however has a good germination rate

Height - approx 2.4m

Variety - annual

History – Eckford 1898.   

Note: "Lady Grisel Hamilton is delightful," recounts Louise Beebe Wilder in her 1932 book The Fragrant Garden.

Vase: For the longest vase life, pick when there are at least two unopened flowers at the tip. Vase life will be shorter when picked more open. Sweet peas are a short-lived cut flower, lasting at best 4-5 days in a vase. Adding a source of sugar or flower food to the water will extend vase life a few additional days.

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