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Salvia is the largest genus of plants in the sage family Lamiaceae, with nearly 1000 species of shrubs, herbaceous perennials, and annuals. All salvias grow best in full sun and well drained soil. They come in a large range of colours and sizes. Following are our range of salvias:


Salvia moorcroftiana is a herbaceous perennial native to the Himalayan mountains from Pakistan to western Nepal, and is especially common in the Kashmir Valley. Salvia moorcroftiana grows to 0.9 m by 0.5 m. Suitable for light (sandy) and medium (loamy) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. Prefers a full sun position but can tolerate afternoon shade.

Salvia canariensis 'Lancelot' has silver felted leaves with a capricious form that give rise to lavender pink flowers which protrude from purple burgundy bracts. Tolerates strong summer heat, drought tolerant once established and mild frosts. Grow in full sun to semi shade in well drained soil. Height 1m.


Salvia 'Van Houttei' is a bushy herbaceous deciduous perennial that grows up to 1.3m high. This salvia blooms non stop from spring to autumn in spikes of two-lipped dark red flowers. Leaves are bright to dark green elliptical and toothed. Foliage is fragrant when crushed. Plant in full sun to part shade with moist but well-drained soil. Salvia 'Van Houttei' is ideal for warmer areas however grow in a more shaded location. Height 50cm. Frost sensitive.

Salvia greggii 'Navajo Bright Red' is an evergreen that is beautifully fragrant when brushed up against. With deep green foliage, plus towering spikes of bright cerise-red flowers from summer to autumn. Drought and frost tolerant once established. This variety of salvia will also tolerate humidity. Height 1m.

Salvia microphylla ‘Huntington Red’ is an evergreen plant growing to 1m. It has a shrubby growth habit with many thin, but firm and upright stems. The striking dark coloured stems are almost black in colour and show off the red flowers. This salvia will flower sporadically all year where there are mild winters, but late spring and autumn are the main flowering periods. It grows best in full sun, but may take part shade. It has a preference for enriched soil that is well drained. It is considered to be both frost and drought tolerant.


Salvia x superba 'Merleau White' is a compact, multi branched perennial salvia that produces masses of white flowers that last for months. Both foliage and flowers are fragrant when brushed up against. This is a semi evergreen to herbaceous variety needs to be cut back at the end of summer to produce an autumn flush of flowers. Cut back again during winter to ready the plant for fresh spring growth. Grow in full sun to semi shade in well drained soil. Height 50cm. Frost hardy.

Salvia greggii ‘Alba’ is a small tough, hardy compact bushy shrub growing to 40cm with clear white flowers. This salvia makes a great small hedge or can be added to the garden for a spot of colour. Drought and frost tolerant once established. This variety of salvia will also tolerate humidity.

Salvia verticillata alba White Rain - Whorled Sage is an evergreen perennial, forming a bushy mound of fuzzy olive-green leaves. Upright spikes of white flowers begin to appear in early summer, and will continue for weeks if the spent heads are regularly removed. Grow in full sun to part shade. It tolerates many soil conditions that are well drained, and is drought tolerant, once established. Salvia verticillata is extremely frost hardy, as it is able to withstand hard frosts to below -20C. A nice choice for the border, low enough to use for edging. If plants become floppy in mid summer they should be clipped back hard to rejuvenate the foliage. Height 45cm.


Salvia greggii ‘Raspberry Royale’ is a small compact bushy sub shrub growing to 40cm with dark pink flowers. This salvia makes a great small hedge or can be added to the garden for a spot of colour. Drought and frost tolerant once established. This variety of salvia will also tolerate humidity.

Salvia microphylla ‘Cyclamen’ is a small spreading sub shrub growing to 60cm, with cyclamen coloured flowers for a full sun position. Salvia ‘Cyclamen’ makes a good clumping plant for the front of the bed and can be grown as a ground cover. This salvia is tough and hardy for dry summer heat and winter cold, even tolerating light frosts.

Salvia buchananii ‘Velvet Slipper’ is a small perennial, growing only 15-20cm tall. The delightful magenta flowers can be up to 5cm long and occur from mid-spring to mid-autumn. Tolerates a range of soils and conditions including coastal areas but thrives in well drained and sunny positions with light frosts. Light prune in autumn to keep it tidy. Suited to large pots and verandah tubs. Good border plant for large cottage garden beds.

Salvia x superba 'Merleau Rose' is a compact, multi branched perennial Salvia that produces masses of deep rose flowers that last for months. Both foliage and flowers are fragrant when brushed up against. This is a semi evergreen to herbaceous variety needs to be cut back at the end of summer to produce an autumn flush of flowers. Cut back again during winter to ready the plant for fresh spring growth. Grow in full sun to semi shade in well drained soil. Height 50cm. Frost hardy.

Salvia chiapensis is a small shrub growing to 50cm. This salvia has deep green leaves and bright magenta flowers from summer to autumn. Grows best in sun to semi-shade in moist well drained humus rich soil. Can become straggly so pruning is often necessary to keep the plant dense and tidy. Tolerates light frost.

Salvia lanceolata - Sand Sage is an aromatic silvery grey foliage creates a striking contrast to the spikes of dusky pink calyxes with smokey salmon beige petals. This plant prefers a part-full sun position in a well drained soil. Flowers in mid Summer. Drought (do not over water once established as it is really water-wise) and frost hardy. Height 1m.


Salvia viridis var. comata - Annual Clary Blue These plants prefer full sun, but will tolerate light shade. Best soil conditions are free draining as they will rot if the beds are too wet. The flowers are small up the stem of the plant, but it is the bracts at the top, which provide most of the colour. Size 50cm high x 40cm wide.

Salvia 'Salvatore Blue' is a perennial salvia that features incredibly deep blue flower spikes on dark, nearly black stems flowering from summer to autumn. Grow in full sun in well drained soil. This salvia only grows to 30cm, making it perfect for pots. Frost tolerant.

Salvia 'Anthony Parker' is a fast growing and hardy flowering from late spring through to autumn. Stunning deep blue flower spikes set against grey green foliage. Makes an eye catching addition to mixed perennial or shrub borders. Attracts birds and can be cut for fresh floral arrangements. Low maintenance and easy to grow. Grows well in most free draining soils and is very dry tolerant once established requiring only occasional deep watering during extended periods of heat. Prune by half after main flowering period to tidy and again in early spring to remove old stems revealing new growth. Frost hardy. Height 1.5m.

Salvia ‘African Sky’ is a tough, hardy salvia, bearing masses of pretty, sky-blue flowers throughout summer and into autumn. Bee and beneficial insect attracting. Low maintenance and easy to grow in most soil types which are free draining. Watering requirements are low once established requiring only occasional deep watering over extended periods of heat. Also frost tolerant. I have had it growing here in Tasmania for several years now. Grow in a sheltered, sunny spot in full sun to dappled shade. Cut back blooms as they fade to promote a second flush. Prune back and apply a mulch of well-rotted manure or compost in autumn. Height 1m.

Salvia longispicata x farinacea - 'Indigo Spires' is a vigorous shrubby perennial with masses of long, twisted spikes of indigo blue flowers that are around 30cm long. This salvia is a non-stop bloomer from early summer through to autumn. Plant in full sun to light shade in well drained soil. Protect from winter frosts. Grows to 90cm.

Salvia x sylvestris 'Blue Queen' is a perennial with a rich display of spiky bright violet-blue flowers in the early summer border. Remove faded blooms to encourage repeat flowering. Excellent for cutting. Drought tolerant once established. Also tolerates heat and humidity and is frost hardy. Height 50cm.

Salvia chamelaeagnea 'Blue Haze' forms a dense shrub, growing around 2m, with many strong, upright stems. The blue to soft mauve flowers are formed in whorls any time between November and May. The bright green leaves are slightly hairy and emit a very strong scent when touched. It is a hardy and easy plant to grow that will perform well in any well drained and sunny part of the garden. Give a light trim and feed in mid to late spring. Tolerates light frost.

Salvia 'Black Knight' is a large salvia, growing to 2 meters high and 1 meter wide. The flowers begin as almost black and fade to deep purple as they age. Flowering from late summer to through autumn. Even though it is frost tender, I have been able to grow it in Tasmania in a protected sunny sheltered among other shrubs. Prune and clean out by cutting down the old canes and twiggy growth in spring after frosts.

Salvia azurea var. grandiflora - Pitcher Sage is a clump forming, shrubby perineal. It forms a low mound of green leaves, sending up tall stems in late summer that are topped with spikes of bright azure-blue flowers which are excellent for cutting. Flowers are attractive to butterflies and bees. Plants are tolerant of heat and humidity as well as summer drought. Also frost tolerant. Height 90cm.

Salvia Uliginosa - Bog Sage - versatile herbaceous perennial that will grow in many soil types. It is easy care and a useful filler. The sky blue flowers form in spikes on long stems and appear from late spring to autumn. It is a fast growing, upright perennial with willowy stems to a height of 1.8m. This plant will spread so you need to keep it under control. This is very easy to do. Each autumn cut the plant back to ground level. You will now be able to clearly see the size of the plant. Using a shovel remove the unwanted sections of the plant. Salvia Uliginosa flowers in late summer to autumn in my garden in Tasmania and those flowers are so blue! The bees adore it and buzz around it happily.


Salvia greggii 'Pumpkin' has soft apricot bicolour flowers on tall stems from late summer to autumn. Drought and frost tolerant once established. This variety of salvia will also tolerate humidity. Height 1m.


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