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Salvia greggii (Autumn Sage)

Salvia greggii are perennial shrubs growing to 90cm. They have small aromatic leaves and are evergreen in warmer areas. Flowering is best during spring and autumn with light flowering during summer. Flowers come in wide variety of colours including red, peach, pink, purple and white. Flowers are around 2cm in length.

Salvia greggii must have a well drained soil and is not suitable for clay soils. Its preference is for alkaline soils. Grow in full sun except in the hottest climates where some afternoon shade will be required. These plants are drought and frost tolerant once established. This variety of salvia will also tolerate humidity.

Due to its size these salvias are ideal for pots. Being drought tolerant this variety can be grown in dry / water wise gardens. And naturally it is also suited cottage gardens.


In areas with frosts prune at the start of spring. They are very quick growing plants and will bounce back quickly. Remove a third of the foliage creating a rounded mound. In warmer areas, prune late autumn after flowering has finished.

Salvia greggii ‘Alba’ is a small tough, hardy compact bushy shrub growing to 40cm with clear white flowers. This salvia makes a great small hedge or can be added to the garden for a spot of colour.

Salvia greggii ‘Raspberry Royale’ is a small compact bushy sub shrub growing to 40cm with dark pink flowers. This salvia makes a great small hedge or can be added to the garden for a spot of colour.

Salvia greggii 'Pumpkin' has soft apricot bicolour flowers on tall stems from late summer to autumn.

Salvia 'Navajo Bright Red' is beautifully fragrant when brushed up against. With deep green foliage, plus towering spikes of bright cerise-red flowers from summer to autumn.

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