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Nasturtiums like you have never seen before!! Nasturtiums are cheerful and easy-to-grow, perfect for children and anyone learning to garden. They make an excellent ground cover or green mulch.

Or you can grow them like I do, in raised beds to create a "waterfall". You can also grow them in a window box or hanging baskets.

Nasturtiums are easy to please, I have found they prefer light shade and some protection from the midday sun. Keep plants well watered but not wet.

Nasturtium flowers can be picked and used in small posies. I like to create herb or edible flower posies with mine. You can expect these flowers to have a vase life of 5 to 7 days. But the leaves are a real standout when used in larger floral arrangements. Just cut stems to the length required, vase life is up to 2 weeks.

Nasturtium flowers and leaves are edible! Use the flowers to add colour to a fresh salad or to decorate home baked cakes and biscuits. Leaves can be used to make a pesto. Nasturtium Pesto Following is a guide. Nasturtium Pesto is one of those dishes you get to play with to suit your taste buds. Ingredients 4 cups packed nasturtium leaves (you can even add some flowers!) 1 1/2 cups olive oil (I use grape seed oil for its milder flavour) 1 to 1 1/2 cups shredded Parmesan cheese 1 to 1 1/2 cups walnuts or almonds (most raw nuts could be used but source local fresh nuts or grow an almond tree like I have) 5 cloves garlic (or to taste) You can add basil leaves, mint leaves even some chilli. Method Add your dry ingredients to a blender and blend. Slowly add the oil until you have the consistency you desire. Taste and make adjustments as required.

Seeds are best direct sown after the last frost. Sow seeds about 2cm deep with a spacing of around 20cm. Water well. Germination takes around 10 days.


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