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Get To Know Your Seed Growers - Tasmania

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

My name is Kerin-Lea, I am horticulturist and graphic artist. My first love are the plants from North America. I have no idea why. I have a large block that is completely planted out (who needs grass?). That is why you will see a lot of sweet peas being grown in amongst my existing garden beds. I also have a dedicated sweet pea growing area. In this area, my sweet peas are grown in raised beds.

I live with my family, 5 cats, 3 dogs and ducks in a 1940s weatherboard cottage that I am in the process of renovating.

Not only do I have a large flower garden but also a large kitchen garden. I loooooove to cook. I love to forage and therefore deliberately don't have neat rows of plants (much more fun this way). I have an interest in using more unusual plant material when cooking. For example I make lilac syrup, honeysuckle cordial and of course elderflower cordial. If I can ever bring myself to do it, I want to make peony jelly. I also supply the restaurants in Launceston with edible flowers, under the name of Forgotten Edibles.

I am always more than happy to attend garden clubs to do presentations and my garden is available to be booked for tours.

What little time I have left is spent working on my graphic art. I design botanical artwork and prints for wallpaper, fabric, clothing and homewares. You can click here to see my work.

Garden Reviews

  • A garden jammed packed with so many lovely plants doing things naturally.

  • A garden filled with love and whimsy.

  • This garden wraps you in a warm hug.

  • Kerin-Lea has created a “walled” English perennial garden. Her rambling garden is a touch of Edna Walling and a touch of Monet.

  • The garden is a true credit to who Kerin-Lea is as a person and the garden reflects her disorganised chaos! If ever in Tassie, visit her garden. Longford Blooms

Summer in my garden.

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