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Calendulas (Pot Marigold)

Calendula officinalis is a necessity for an English cottage garden. Bright yellow and orange flowers add colour and bring the beneficial insects to the garden. The petals are used in cooking, and were once used to add yellow colouring to cheeses and butters. Used in stews, broths and salads, they will add a spicy taste, similar to saffron.

Many people over look adding flowers to their kitchen gardens. Of all of the places in our garden, this is the place where we need the beneficial insects the most. To ensure safety only grow edible flowers in your kitchen garden like Calendulas.

Excellent cut and dried flower.

Calendula will draw aphids away from valuable plants. They handle frost and are the only plants to flower in the middle of my -7C winters. Calendulas are an annual which will readily reseed. They enjoy full sun and even partial shade and can even tolerate average soil. They need a moderate amount of water and if flower production dwindles, you can cut back the plants to promote new blooms. Calendulas grow best in temperate regions, direct sow seeds rom August to November with a spacing of 25cm.

Calendula officinalis 'Ivory Princess' - butter yellow buds open to reveal snow-white petals brushed with yellow on the reverse.

Calendula officinalis 'Orange Flash' - large flowers in tones of peach and copper with bronze undersides.

Calendula officinalis 'Snow Princess' has open daisy like flowers with petals in the palest shades of ivory and lemon. Buds and newly opened flowers are lemon yellow which gradually fades over time to almost white. Flower centres are yellow and brown.

Calendula officinalis 'Apricot Pacific Beauty' flowers are a luscious apricot infused with creamy yellow.

Calendula Salve


  • 100ml of calendula infused oil

  • 140g Australian organic beeswax pellets

Calendula Infused Oil

  • First you will need to dry your flowers. Place freshly picked flowers on paper towel. Arrange flowers in a single larger with space between each flower. Turn the flowers over every day and let them air dry for a week or two.

  • Fill a jar half way with dried calendula flowers and pour a light oil (grape seed or almond oil) over them. Fill the jar almost to the top.

  • Cap and store in a cool, dark place for four to six weeks, shaking periodically. Strain the flowers and discard. Your oil is ready to be used. Store oil in a clean container and store in a cool, dark place.

  • To make a double infused oil, take your freshly strained oil and repeat the process with a new batch of dried flowers.

Calendula Salve

  • Using the double boiler method, add the oil and beeswax into a heat proof container. Two thirds fill another heat proof container with water. Place the container of water on the stove and gently heat to a slow gentle boil. Set the oil and beeswax container gently into the container of water. Let the beeswax gently melt, stirring in the oil with a wooden spoon. When the beeswax is completely melted and the oil thoroughly stirred through, remove the container from the stove. Pour mixture into heat proof containers to set.


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