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A Meadow with Style

There is nothing saying you cannot design a meadow garden to a certain colour palette. This stunning blue and white meadow brings calmness to a design that is normally chaotic while keeping all the charm associated with a meadow garden.

Plants that will achieve this look for you:

Echinops ritro 'Veitch's Blue' - Globe Thistle is a perennial grows to around 90cm and prefers full sun and well drained soil. Excellent cut and dried flower.

Cornflowers are an annual staple in any country style garden.


Ox-eye Daisy - Lucanthemum vulgare no meadow is complete without a daisy.

Veronica longifolia - Speedwell an upright herbaceous perennial, growing up to around 1m tall.

Bunny Tail Grass with add texture and movement to your meadow.


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